I am an Numismatics’. This is in broader view but my areas of interest lies in collecting unique numbered currency and ancient coins. My collection range coins from 1800 year to 2011, but main attraction is paper money.
This picture represents the collection of Rs10 note. They represent 1st and last one of series i.e. both occur once in 10,00,000 times. |
5Rs note bears lucky number (786). |
50Rs note bears serial numbers (0-1-2-3-4-5) |
Misprint on back side
Extra paper – undercut |
This pic shows notes with series 100000 - 900000 |
Comparison of Rs2 note evolved
Comparison of Rs10 note evolved
Evaluation of coins
My father was key person who helped me developing this hobby, as he had pursued this unknowingly. I started developing interest since 5th Grade, that was somewhere in 1996-97. Father being employee of bank helped me in getting contact with cashiers and allowing me to view the new currency bundles. From there I used to get that particular note which I was craving for. This was a very rigorous and tiring journey that continued for years together but was always full of excitement. As time passed on, responsibilities increased and I couldn’t find that much time to work dedicatedly over collection. But, now when I look back I feel proud enough that in spite of difficulties I never backed down and landed up with such nice collection that could be cherished for centuries. In fact this is a never ending journey for me.
I had demonstrated this collection at many exhibition and many antique lovers asked me to evaluate my collection for sell. I would laugh and say Sir, – “To me this is priceless”
Its actually priceless and rare...great work...